“I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.”

– Tony Robbins


When I first jumped on the travel train, I got a lot of inspiration and motivation form reading blogs, finding out about adventures, places to go and fun ways to do it!

It gave me connections with the writer and thus journey , it felt more real, like anything was achievable!
I could grasp something that at first felt so far away from reality!

We all need that little extra push when we are about to fulfill our dreams and goals, and face our fears.
Traveling is a beautiful thing , it gives you knowledge, understanding and insight to mention a few things, which is incredibly important to live within happiness.

I wish my reads can give you a fun time or even the ambition to achieving something.
I’m excited for what is about to come , I hope you are to!

Finding Out Why

Ask many, ask why they are doing what they are doing, and the majority answer the same,
– Well it is what it is, or something like that!

Before I started doing what I am supposed to I didn’t have a straight answer for that question,
I answered the same.
But deep within me I knew it was something more in life.

I was stuck in the same old wheel, that, don’t take me wrong on this one,
some people like it and enjoy the “safe” and “Comfortable” system we got brought into, and that’s fine,
what a success if you find yourself happy doing it!
But I couldn’t!

For me it have always been something bigger and better,
I’m good at living in the now but I have a strong feeling for striving to achieve.
The way I found out my Why and still finding it, is to go out travelling!
It gives me the most of life as I know it now.

It teaches me about people and animals, different mentalities , cultures, religions to mention a few.
What I profit the most from my journeys and meetings is that I can grow as a person, I can get more understanding how things work in the world, then I can be more happy and be to more help of others.

Travelling is my way to find out my WHY’s!

Who am I, you might ask ?

From Deep within the lush forest of Dalarna
Which is located pretty much in the middle of Sweden, that’s where I’m from.
A small industrial town where boy’s become men, or something!
Brought up to become another industrial worker, but changed my path once i stepped outside the borders.

As of today I am 29 years old, been travelling since back in 2007.

When I went on my first backpacking trip to Israel , Jordan and Egypt!
That’s when I caught “Itchy Wanderlust Feet”, a major epidemic, not a disease, but an incredible widespread experience, where people get on their first trip, experiencing what life is about ,
how things work and how you work! 
How incredible the world and thus habitats really are! That experience that crush the most of the common rules, when you get to experience the real life by taking action, when many things you have been taught is not the way it is, it’s way better in a great way!

That feeling of wanting to learn more, meet more people, experience more and then gather everything good you learn and create the life you want!
That’s “Itchy Wanderlust Feet”!

Ever since then I’ve been into travelling, to different countries , in different ways!
Trying tons of new things that was not an option before.
Crushed a lot of fears!

100 cc 4 strokes mixed brand motorbike in Vietnam, drove it from north to south for almost 2 months.
But I was not alone, ON THAT BIKE. We were two big guys with a lot of packing, driving a small motorbike through that long country with it’s crazy terrain! What a trip!

When I get to comfortable in life , I do not progress, it’s like I’m stuck in one of those hamster wheels.
That feeling is absolutely super important for me to have! 
I set up goals, strategy how to achieve it and then take action, and of course this gives me such motivation for something new so I reach my smaller goals along the way to the bigger!

The absolute best thing is that i get to experience a lot of this with the love of my life.

My body is my temple , I like to be healthy and workout a lot like Engaging in a lot of sports and activities.
Of course no one is flawless, so when being healthy and fit from time to time, i also have my awesome ways of going weird!
I love music and i love to party and interact with people!

There’s so much  to tell you guy’s!
I have a wild fantasy and imagination , and I do love to write!
Got so much to write about, working with this blog will also help me to become a better writer!

Love and Party



Happy biking around Oslo
Rock climbing Koh Tao Thailand
Redbull flying contest in Norway Oslove
riding a 100 cc 4 strokes all of Vietnam, 2 crazy people on it

How to support your traveling!

I travel around the world and have a big amount of fun!

We all know it cost a lot of money to do this, of course you go on a budget, but anyways it cost a lot.

As for a normal job I work seasonally as a tinsmith, I make sheet metal roofing in zinc and copper on top of etc churches.
A great job where I can find jobs all over the world, and make good money.
I love the creating party in it, get a round shaped roof with round windows sticking out from the angle of the roof, draw it down on a paper, come up with solutions and then get into it and create!

What I do not like is winter time, then it’s not fun to be a roofer!

I was trying come up with different solutions in how to make money to support my journeys, my lifestyle!?
This is one of them!

I love writing, I’m very active in my life which gives me a lot to write about!

ChasingBananas.com is a site where you can have a fun read as well as finding great travel resources etc you can book a flight or accommodation through my website,
you just click on the links provided and you get to their site.

When you do this and find what you are looking for, a great deal on a flight or you find your perfect travel insurance and you decide to purchase that.
By doing that will provide me small commission, from these companies.

You get what you need, and you support me so i continue improving my blog, and give you as great information about where to find the best travel resources!

If you are interested in creating your own website  , maybe a small online business , then i truly recommend
There you will find a lot of great information and tutorials in how to do it!
You will also get help from the network and the coaches, which makes this incredibly easy, with of course some dedication!
How they work is great, and the system of  “Leveling up” it’s a lot of fun!
You will learn fast!

If you want to find out more about this , check this site out!
It’s all free to join!
